
HRO Plans Two Month Concert Tour of Mexico

Group Seeking Funds

The Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra hopes to tour Mexico for eight weeks this summer.

A tentative itinerary includes three two-week stops--in Mexico City, Monterey, and Puebla. The group will spend the remaining time in smaller towns.

Finances for the trip are still indefinite. Members of the orchestra are consulting several foundations and are discussing the matter with Faculty advisers.

Reaction in Mexico has been "very favorable," according to the tour manager, Prescott Wintersteen '63. Wintersteen said last night that the Instuto Mexican Norteamericano de Relaciones Culturales, the Undersecretary of Culture at the American Embassy, and many prominent Mexicans who have been contacted personally have all responded with enthusiasm.

To Play Mexican Works


On the trip the HRO will play the works of local composers and perform with local soloists. It will encourage local musicians to join it in rehearsal, Conductor Michael Senturia '58 said yesterday. Senturia felt the orchestra could in this way avoid the insulated feeling that normally surrounds a group of professional musicians on tour.

The orchestra will also take with it a repertoire of conventional selections, including concertos and works for choruses and vocal soloists, chosen primarily from the programs of the last three years. Music from the free concert on November 3 and from this year's other performances will provide the bulk of the repertoire. The vocal works will be done with Mexican choruses.

About 65 of the 70 members of the orchestra have already indicated they are willing to make the trip. Everyone who wishes to make the trip will be allowed to go.

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