
Mrs. Roosevelt and Harriman Contribute To 20th Century Week

Eleanor Roosevelt and W. Averell Harriman have joined several prominent Faculty members as "patrons" of Twentieth Century Week.

The receipt of contributions from the former first lady, and from the wartime ambassador to Moscow and former Governor of New York, means that they have endorsed the project, and their names will be used in its promotion, according to Chairman Roger M. Leed '61. They join Carl J. Friedrich, Eaton Professor of the Science of Government, Hans Morgenthau, visiting professor of Government, and Karl Fox, visiting professor of Economics, as supporters of the week-long program of lectures and seminars.

These contributions, pins that of the American Friends of the Middle East, which will be listed as a sponsor, supplement $400 given to Twentieth Century Week by the Student Council.

There will be substantial radio and television coverage. WGBH has asked to videotape several addresses, panels, and seminars for distribution to educational radio and television stations throughout the country, the Committee announced yesterday.

According to the Committee, Frank Coffin, former Democratic Congressman from Maine, has agreed to join the dignitaries from four key foreign areas as a speaker. An expert on American foreign economic policy, he will probably give an open address during the final weekend of the program, which begins December 5.
