
Faculty Bans Rugby Club's Spring Trips

Committee Calls Team "Unfit," Cites Incident in Bermuda

A recent decision of the Faculty committee on Athletics has forbidden the Crimson Rugby Club to take any spring training trips next April.

The same committee that removed the Harvard hockey team from consideration for the NCAA tournament last year concluded that the rugby team was unfit to represent the University because of what happened last spring in Bermuda. On that trip several Harvard team members were blamed for about $2,000 in damage to the two houses in which they stayed.

"I am very unhappy about the Faculty committee's action," Dean Watson commented yesterday, pointing out that many of the players on the present team did not even go down to Bermuda last spring.

The Crimson Rugby Club is not subsidized by the University. Traditionally, its members have financed their own way for the trips down South during spring recess.

Recently the club has received handsome invitations from schools in St. Louis and California which would like to see the Eastern Rugby Union well represented in spring tournaments. An invitation from the University of California at Berkeley guaranteeing $1,900 in expense money has already been turned down by the club.


UCLA last week invited the Crimson to Los Angeles, and has promised to pay $2,000 for traveling expenses, and additional money to cover local transportation, room, and board expenses. During the proposed trip, Harvard would play four games with West Coast teams, including UCLA in the Rose Bowl, and San Diego State in San Diego. As yet, the Harvard club has not made any definite decision about the trip.

Officers of the club said yesterday that they will make appeals to Dean Watson later this week.

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