
CRIME Whips Elis

The Yalies, unconfirmed reports indicate, played with at least two non-journalistic ringers, but the CRIMSON's undefeated, untied, unwashed touch football team trounced the Yale Daily News 23 to 2, Saturday morning on the Charlesbank field.

Jungle Jim Ullyot, the CRIME's strong right-footed quarterback, threw three Herculean touchdown passes to had the home team's relentless attack. The CRIME racked up a total of 456 yards 451 in the air and five on the ground as halfback Tom (the Bomb) Pepper tripped on a beer can and rolling 15 feet down the riverbank.

The Crimeds added one two-point conversion, and a six-inch field goal by are-footed tickle Paul Cowan.

The Yalie Daily got the only score when CRIME scatback Tiger Welch took a spinning hand-off from Ullyot and spun 50 yards the wrong way to a Yalie safety.
