
Caterers at Harkness Incur Early Deficit

A private catering service which assumed operation of Harkness Commons last year in an attempt to remedy a record $57,000 deficit there has so far been running in the red.

In its first month of operation, Stouffer's Management Food Service has grossed less in receipts than did the University management of last year, according to Carle T. Tucker, Director of the University Dining Halls. In order to remedy the 1959 deficit, Tucker said, the Stouffer firm must raise income at least 20 per cent this year.

Students are spending less, though eating more, Tucker remarked. Although, 2127 signed in last Wednesday as against 2612 for the same date last year, for example, the average check is less. Only 535 diners, 75 fewer than a year ago, have signed contracts for 15 or 21 meals weekly.
