
Professors Challenge Effectiveness of U.S. Policies in United Nations

(This is the second of four articles surveying Faculty opinion on the future the United Nations.)

During the past five years United States influence in the United Nations has hestically declined. Before 1955, the United States could readily maneuver a two-thirds majority of the General Assembly into action. Since then, the increasing strength of the Soviet Union, the rise of neutralist nations, and the sky support of Latin America have forced the U.S. to realize that American foreign policy and the desires of the world organization are not, in all cases, same.

In spite of the great increase in U.N. membership which has reduced Western ing power to 23 out of 96 countries, several Faculty members believe that the United States has further damaged its position by failing to use U.N. facilities the utmost. Roger D. Fischer '43, lecturer on Law, claimed that the U.S. has more concerned with the short term objectives of standing up to than with the long term goal of uniting the world in a system of international and order. The U.S., he said, "has paid lip service to making the U.N. strong, has never let that goal regulate its actions."

Problem of Red China

Fischer specifically criticized U.S. action in regard to Red China. "If the United Nations is to survive as a significant institution then it must include representatives the largest country in the world," he explained. The United States should try to solve the problem of dealing with two Chinas, rather than celebrate the victory we achieve over the Communists by vetoing Red China's admission," pointed out.

Both Stanley H. Hoffmann, associate professor of Government, and Louis B. Sohn, professor of Law, criticized the United States for bombarding the U.N. with problems. According to Hoffmann, whenever the U.S. policymakers are between satisfying their NATO allies and placating the neutrals, they the problem to the U.N. Although this action has succeeded thus far in the situation, Hoffmann considers it a dangerous policy for the U.S. might be numbered and outmaneuvered in the General Assembly.

Sohn believes that U.S. policy has created an air of "public disappointment" regarding the United Nations. "We should send medium and small problems to the and create the habit of acceptance," he proposed, "or the world will lose faith the organization."

Although other nations have failed to use the facilities of the U.N., Sohn labeled United States the "most guilty of all." the Cuban situatio, he explained, "we referred to go to the Organization of American States instead of the U.N., Cuba has more friends, and would have been able to speak her piece." In disarmament controversy, "we inted on trying the Ten-Nation Disarmanent Conference although the Soviets would have preferred working under U.N."

Now that the Conference has failed, explained, "we have gone to the to complain of the Russians."

Two Approve U.S. Actions

Two Faculty members--Benjamin , Executive Secretary of the for International Affairs, and Hans visiting professor of Government--supported U.S. actions in the United Nations. Morgenthau claimed at "whether or not a nation uses the is a matter of expediency," and considered U.S. actions quite "reasonable." Brown, who served on the U.S. to the U.N. from 1943-1954, said that the United States has always been one the most loyal supporters of the U.N. has done more than others to rengthen it." He reminded U.S. policy that the first point of Truman's point Four" Inaugural address in 1943 advocated support of the United Nations. Brown predicted that the major problem facing the United States during the next few years will be enlisting maximum support for U.S. policies from the nations while retaining the support NATO. "This will be a real dilemma," warned, "for while the need for NATO support has never been greater, it is recoming more and more apparent that best security is in building sound ations with the developing nations."

Although the U.N. helps with the latter, he claimed that it makes the former , more difficult." The United States would face this problem without the United Nations, Brown commented, but world organisation intensifies the .

(Tomorrow: Will The Neutrais Take Over?)
