
B-School Names Woman Professor

Henrietta Melia Larson, business historian, has been appointed full professor at the Harvard Business School, effective January 1, 1961. Miss Larson is the first woman to attain this rank in the School's history, and the sixth in the history of the University.

Miss Larson, whose business histories are definitive works in the field, has also written the textbooks, "Guide to Business History" and "Casebook in American Business History," both of which are widely used by researchers.

Before coming to the Business School, Miss Larson taught at the University of Minnesota, Bethany College, and Southern Illinois University. She has since been on the staff and faculty of the Business School for more than 30 years.

Other Women Professors

Other women who hold the rank of full professor in the University and are active faculty members are Sirapie Der Nersessian, Henri Focillon Professor of Byzantine Art and Archeology at the Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection in Washington; Cora Du Bois, Samuel Zemurray Jr. and Doris Zemurray Stone-Radcliffe Professor of Anthropology; and Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, Phillips Professor of Astronomy.


More than 450 women hold appointments in the University as Officers of Instruction or Administration, but less than 100 of these have administrative positions.
