
Convocation Speakers Stress Atmosphere, Variety of People

The most striking feature of Harvard Summer School is its "great mixed lot," Dean Monro said last week.

He addressed summer school students at the opening convocation June 30 in Sanders Theatre. William Yandell Elliott, Director of the Summer School, and Francis Keppel, Dean of the Graduate School of Education, also spoke.

"Of all the resources at the University, the richest is in yourself," Monro said. "And education is the effect of a collision of minds."

Elliott urged students to take advantage of the vast variety of activities offered in the area. "The atmosphere will grow on you," he said.

Keppel discussed two topics in relation to the current controversy over American versus Russian education. It is impossible to think of the pupil and the subject as being taught separately, he said, and science and math need not be overemphasized at the expense of the arts. Keppel also discussed the functions of various types of University deans.
