
Liles Will Captain Track Team; Lacrosse Squad Chooses Parks

The varsity track team has elected Patrick R. Liles '60, of Dunster House and Memphis, Tenn., captain for the 1959-60 season. Liles competed in the broad jump, low hurdles, and mile relay this spring.

Albie Gordon won the Westmore Wilcox Trophy for the best varsity quartermiler. The Pat McLaughlin Trophy, awarded to the Freshman who exhibits the best combination of ability and team spirit, went to miler Mark Mullin.

Improvement awards were given to Hank Abbot in the shot put, Lee Barnes in the 220 and 440, Dyke Benjamin in the distances, and Art Cahn in the 880.

As a result of the recent dispute over the mile trial that determined two places on the Harvard-Yale squad that will travel to England, Jed Fitzgerald of Harvard and Jim Wade of Yale have been awarded positions on the team. Twentynine men, 16 from Yale and 13 from the varsity, will make the trip.

Richard W. Parks '60 of Eliot House and East Greenbush, New York has been elected captain of the lacrosse team for next year. He succeeds Jerry H. Pyle '59.


Parks declared last night that prospects for next year are encouraging. "This year's freshman team lost only once, and we have about eight starters returning," he said.

This year's varsity, which finished with a 5-8 record, was hampered by a lack of size. The team played only two home games, and several potential players were prevented from participating by both the time and cost of a heavy away schedule. "Traveling had to be done in private cars, and members had to pay for their own meals," Parks said. Considering the heavy financial pressure, the morale of this year's team was extremely high, Parks thought.

Next spring the team will play the University of North Carolina and Duke in its first spring trip of recent years.

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