
Rugby Club Elects Keohane, O'Neil As Team Officers for Next Season

In the recent elections of the Harvard Rugby Club, Hank Keohane was named next year's team captain, succeding Hal Churchill. Other officers chosen were Richard O'Neil, president; Warren Young, vice-president; Richard Baker, secretary; and Jack Butterfield, treasurer.

After beginning the year with a relatively inexperienced team, including members who were playing the game for the first time, the club met encouraging success. Following an initial shut-out victory over M.I.T., the team was invited to the spring tournament in Bermuda, where two rapid shut-outs won them the American title over the defending champions from Amherst.

The team's only defeats, in fact, were in three successive matches with the New York Rugby Club, Dartmouth, and Princeton. Then, as the season closed, they bounced back for a decisive 8-6 win over Yale.

The Rugby Club, though not subsidized by the University, is composed of members of both the College and graduate schools. O'Neil, next year's president, is a Dublin, Ireland, doctor, studying on a fellowship at the Medical School. A former Olympic swimmer, he was also amateur boxing champion of Ireland for his weight class.


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