
U.S. Rejects Soviet Accusations Of Violating Berlin Air Corridor; Ike Cites Record Economy Rise

WASHINGTON, April 6--The United States yesterday fired a double-barreled rejection of Soviet charges of air space violations and said Moscow, not Washington, is dimming the chances of success at the coming Geneva talks on Germany.

State Department press officer Lincoln White denied "as strongly as I possibly can" Moscow's accusation Sunday that the United States deliberately flouted Berlin's air corridor rules by a high altitude plane flight March 27. The Soviets said this was done to wreck prospects at the Geneva parley starting May 11.

"The question of who is trying to wreck what is determined, it seems to me, by the actions of the Soviet Union and not of the United States," White said.

Business Rise Predicted

WASHINGTON, April 6--The government said last night that March improvement in the nation's job picture was the best in years. The over-all economy was reported to have registered a new high during the first quarter of 1959.


President Eisenhower and his Commerce and Labor cabinet members issued a series of glowing predictions promising that business is even better than had been anticipated.

Eisenhower started out the round of happy predictions by hinting at a substantial cut in unemployment.

Soviets Penetrate Port Said

PORT SAID, April 6--Egyptian authorities in Port Said said a Soviet ship with 855 fully armed men of Kurdish origin sailed through the Suez Canal last night, bound for turbulent Iraq. Such a landing would raise a new and significant threat in the sensitive oil producing areas of the Middle East.

The report passed through the censorship of Egypt, now engaged in a violent propaganda war with Iraq. The sketchy account provided few details. But if the report is true, it could foretoken a new cold war explosion over the Middle East.
