
Lacrosse Team Tops Hofstra, 5-4, Stevens, 10-4, in Opening Games

Sophomore Dave Bohn led the varsity lacrosse team to two regular season victories--one over perennially powerful Hofstra--on their trip to Long Island last week. Bolstered by three sophomore first stringers, the varsity routed Stevens Institute 10 to 4, and the next day downed Hofstra 5 to 4 in one overtime.

Against the weak Stevens team, the varsity had as little trouble as the score indicates. Bohn and midfielder Charlie Devens both registered two goals, while captain Jerry Pyle broke into the scoring column with one tally.

But it was the win over Hofstra which substantiated the high hopes coach Bruce Munro had held for a winning season. The Indians had trounced the varsity 16 to 5 last season.

Throughout the first half of this year's game, played on en extremely muddy field, it looked as if history would repeat itself.

In the second half, the varsity came into its own. Sparked by Bohn's two goals, and fine defensive play, they fought back to a 4-4 tie at the close of the regulation session.


With two minutes gone in the first half of the 10 minute overtime, Bohn flipped in the final goal of the afternoon.
