
Rockefeller Backers Receive Recognition For Organization

The Student Council recognized the newly-organized Harvard Students for Rockefeller at its meeting Wednesday night. The group expects several "Students for" clubs to start operations at Harvard for the 1960 elections, and is the first one to have its charter approved. It is also the first student Rockefeller group in the country, so far as any of its members know.

Bruce K. Chapman '62, secretary of the Students for Rockefeller, said yesterday that the group anticipates a bandwagon movement for Rockefeller to gather speed "by Christmas at the latest." Mark K. Adams '60, chairman of the group, predicted that its greatest activity would take place next year.

In the meantime, however, the organization intends to conduct an extensive "Presidential preference poll" in the Cambridge area. Another project of the Harvard Students for Rockefeller is to write a synopsis of Rockefeller principles from a study of the Rockefeller Reports, last year's campaign speeches, and the Governor's legislative program.

Vice-chairman of the group is Douglas C. Salmond '62, treasurer is Robert J. Graham II '62, and activities director is Robert W. Colman '62.

The Harvard Students for Rockefeller expects final aproval from Dean Watson within a few days.
