
HDC to Present Two TV Shows

The Harvard Dramatic Club will present two "professional quality" one-act plays on major television stations sometime in early May, Joel F. Henning '61, president, said yesterday. WHDH-TV, Channel 5 in Boston, and WNHC-TV in New Haven will each carry one of the shows.

"Questioning of Nick," by Arthur L. Kopit '59, and Maxwell Anderson's "Miracle on the Danube" are the two plays which have been chosen by the HDC. Kopit will direct his own play, which was produced at Leverett House last year. Jan A. S. Hartman '61, will direct the Anderson play.

One play may be done live and in color, but it is more probable that both will be video-taped, Henning said. Video-taping is a new process which equals the quality of live telecasting, he explained. The Boston station will carry its program at 6:30 on a Sunday evening, which Henning called "prime" air time, and the New Haven broadcast will be at 6:30 p.m. on a weekday.

The HDC also announced a new method of choosing plays by which anyone connected with the University may have a play produced. The interested person must submit a detailed resume of the show and possible staging difficulties involved in its production. This resume must be handed in at the HDC office by next Friday.
