
Crimson Golfers Win Double Match

Fighting advancing darkness, lack of practice, and a poorly tended course, the Crimson golf team won both of its opening matches yesterday by 4-3 margins. Boston College and Wesleyan were each defeated in a single round that was scored as two dual contests.

Low scoring medalist was B.C.'s Dick Ganong, with a one over par 71 at the Unicorn Country Club in Stoneham. Playing against Ganong in the number two position, Crimson golfer Fisk Warren shot a 76. Captain Frank Dodge, playing in the first position, had a seven over par 69 after 16 holes.

Three of the individual matches with B.C. were undecided going into the eigthteenth hole, and the Crimson players won all three. Dick Reilly, playing third, and Dick Burnstein, playing seventh, both managed to win in the eighteenth, but fourth man Bob Grundeman had to play 21 holes before he could claim victory.

The University cut the subsidy for the golf team this year, and funds to finance practice rounds were short. For the majority of the team members, the qualifying rounds, started Saturday on the Unicorn course, marked the first time they had been on the fairway this season.

Tomorrow the varsity will play M.I.T., Williams, and B.C. at Oakley Country Club.
