
Donohue to Lead Basketball Team; Murphy Named Rifle Team Captain

Crimson basketball players last week elected Michael B. Donohue '60, of Winthrop House and Madison, Conn., captain of the varsity five for the 1959-60 season. Donohue succeeds Bob Repetto, whose leadership was instrumental in the Crimson's successes this year.

Donohue captained his high school varsity, and will be a solid team leader, if he lives up to the standards of his most recent performances. Several times this season, he was responsible for the hustling defense and occasionally brilliant fast breaks that marked most of the varsity's efforts, especially in Ivy League play.

With an average of 9.8 points a game, Donohue placed third among Crimson scorers this season. As playmaker next year, he will have a key role in determining the varsity's success.

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Richard A. Murphy '60, of Adams House and Twin Falls, Idaho, was recently elected captain of the varsity rifle team for next year. Currently president of the Rifle Club, he was top man this winter on one of the best rifle squads in Crimson history.


Murphy compiled the second highest average score per meet in both the Ivy League and the New England College Rifle League this season, and he tied for first ranking in the Greater Boston College Rifle League. He has also maintained the highest per-meet average in the Rifle Club for the last three years.

The varsity, which won the Ivy League Championship this season with a record-breaking score of 1406 points, will be weakened next year by the graduation of three of its five lettermen.
