
Tennis Squad Begins To Practice Indoors

With material that Coach Jack Barnaby calls "really solid and strong," the varsity tennis team opened indoor practice this week in preparation for its trip South during spring recess.

Headed by captain Ned Weld, the squad has six returning lettermen from last year's Ivy League championship team and several fine prospects coming up from the undefeated freshmen. Along with Weld, the returnees include Tim Gallwey, Fred Vinton, Bill Wood, Laurie Pratt and Jim Cameron. Bob Bowditch, Jorge Lemann and Bob Schwartzman are among the more promising sophomores.

The annual Southern trip has been complicated this year, Barnaby reported, because North Carolina and Duke will play in Florida, rather than meeting the Crimson. The present schedule calls for two matches with Presbyterian and one each with Clemson, Kenyon and Kalamazoo.


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