
Permanent Theatre for Art Center Will Depend Upon Public Support

Permanent foundation and canvas walls will make up the Boston Art Center's new theatre on the Soldiers Field site next summer Construction of a permanent theatre will depend upon public response and support during the season, Nelson W. Aldrich '34, Art Center vice-president, disclosed yesterday.

In addition to the theatre, a temporary art gallery will open to the public July 1, according to Aldrich. The Center officials are now ready to sign contracts with the Cambridge Drama Festival and the Institute of Contemporary Art for occupancy of the new buildings.

The permanent theatre will be equipped for three-quarters round as well as proscenium arch production which utilize the conventional rectangular stage-a unique innovation in design. The theatre will set 1800 people at prices which will be kept "as low as possible."

Eventually the Art Center plans to construct a grand opera hall, seating 3800, which will be capable of supporting the Metropolitan Opera for a two week season.

"Massachusetts is not subsidizing the Art Center beyond providing temporary facilities," Aldrich insisted. "Any permanent structure will have to come from private sources." The Metropolitan District Commission has leased the property to the Art Center for three years at one dollar a year.
