
Objects d'Art Prepared for Exhibit

Organized under the direction of Michael Strauss '59, seen here eaxmining "The Dead Talmudist," and Michael Macdonald '60, the Fogg Museum's new exhibition, "Student Collections," will open on Thursday.

The exhibit will consist entirely of student-owned works of art, and will include paintings, drawings, graphic art, and sculpture of the Western world. All of the one hundred and thirty-eight works, which include pieces by Rouault, Klee, Picasso, Durer, Canaletto, Renoir, and Toulouse-Lautrec, were lent by thirty-eight Harvard and Radcliffe undergraduates.

In assembling the exhibit, the organizers were continually surprised by the extent and quality of material available, especially in the case of contemporary masters, as over half the works are of the twentieth century. Strauss, the founder of the Fine Arts Club, stated that "The exhibit is the first of its kind in several decades. Our aim is to stress the importance of this type of exhibition for two reasons--first, to show the great activity of Harvard in the art world, and second, to encourage collecting."

Following a formal opening on February 11th, the show will be open free to the public until it closes March 14th.
