
Radcliffe Dorms Will Handle Own Room Assigning

Room changes for the next year within the Radcliffe dormitories will be handled individually by the nine halls, subject to the approval of the Deans of Residence and Board of Hall, Emily W. Churchman '59, President of Board of Hall, announced last night.

Previously room changes were assigned by the Deans of Residence according to a system of number-drawing for room preference which "often moved students all over the College," Miss Churchman said. The deans will continue to handle moves between halls and houses.

Miss Churchman described the new system as part of an attempt to "achieve more of a unified dormitory spirit, like that in the Harvard Houses, by encouraging girls to remain in their present dormitories."

Set class ratios within halls will be abolished in making next year's room assignments, Miss Churchman noted. She noted that the Deans and Board of Hall "feel that these number ratios are not as important as keeping people where they want to be."

As the first step to increase "student satisfaction," rooms have been assigned to girls living off-campus who wish to remain in their houses next year. Applications from girls planning to move off-campus from the brick dormitories or to switch from one house to another will be accepted by the Dean of Residence's office through the second week in March.
