
Opportunity Knocks For Sextet Tonight with B.C. at Watson

"You can go to the well once too often," mused B.C. hockey coach John "Snooks" Kelley last night. His Eagles go to the well against the varsity sextet tonight at Watson Rink, with the bucket hauling slated to start at 8:30.

Kelley was referring to the three straight defeats his team has administered to the Crimson. Both of the last two games were close, and a combination of factors tonight will offer the varsity its best chance for victory.

Crimson Advantages

Watson provides a double advantage to the Crimson, for it also helps its position style of hockey. Smaller and colder than the Eagles' McHugh Forum, it will reduce the advantage of B.C.'s speedsters, Ron Walsh, Owen Hughes and Tommy Martin. Instead of falling prey to Martin's long sleeper-play passes up the middle to a wing at the offensive blue line, the varsity can tighten things up by playing "position."

Essentially, this means shooting the puck down into the offensive zone--trying to put the shots on goal--and putting on the pressure by having each forward cover an opposing forward. It means generally tighter defense, with the center often drifting in behind the defense if he is out of the play.


The scrap at Watson should be good, clean fun, and of major concern to everyone in the Eastern hockey scramble.

In the afternoon preliminary, the powerful freshman six puts its 13-1 record up against St. Paul's School in what may turn into a goal-scoring spree for the home side
