
Bill May Benefit Young Democrat, Republican Clubs

A bill that would allow Young Republican and Young Democratic Clubs in Massachusetts to be represented at state party conventions in June is being considered by a House committee of the State Legislature.

Sponsored by John W. Frenning '44, Republican representative from Boston's Fifth Suffolk District, the bill seeks "to reward the clubs for their efforts during campaigns." Frenning was fairly confident about its passage in the current session, after the House Committee on Elections reported it favorably last Wednesday.

The proposed law would allow young political groups in the state at least one delegate at the pre-primary conventions. An additional representatives would be granted to clubs for every 1000 votes cast in their areas for the party's last gubernatorial natorial candidate.

Both the HYDC and the HYRC fill the requirements for representation proposed by the bill in having been charted and active at least two years. Student under the voting age of 21 are eligible as delegates, but no non-residents are.

Both David F. Peterson '59, President of the Young Republican Club, and Derek T. Winans '60, newly elected head of the Young Democrats, said that their respective clubs strongly support the bill.
