
President Begins Far East Tour; Heads for India

KARACHI, Pakistan, Dec. 8--President Eisenhower tomorrow heads for India, keystone of his 11-nation tour. On the way he plans to spend five hours in Afghanistan, a country with a colder climate, both literally and figuratively, than he encountered here in the warm embrace of Pakistan's capital.

The visit to Karachi came virtually to its close Tuesday night with a speech in which Eisenhower posed the hope of improved international relations but made clear the United States' firm stand beside Pakistan in upholding free nations against any aggression.

In his speech, one of the major efforts of his trip, the President urged all national leaders worthy of that designation to join in a truly enforceable system of disarmament.

Cowan Resigns

NEW YORK, Dec. 8--Louis G. Cowan resigned today as president of Columbia Broadcasting System's television network. He asserted he was forced out because of an innocent association with the rigged quiz show, "$64,000 Question."


Cowan, 49, in a letter of resignation to CBS President Frank Stanton, claimed he was banished into a network limbo, forbidden even to communicate with his office.

Stanton said in reply, "It shocks me that you should attribute to me motives that have no basis in fact whatsoever."

Armed Criminals Escape

IVY BLUFF, N.C., Dec. 8--Twenty dangerous criminals--heavily armed and at least four of them killers--broke out of the tough Ivy Bluff prison for incorrigibles today.

Six guards were overpowered and left locked up. The convicts had eight rifles, eight pistols and a sub-machine gun.

Despite a huge manhunt centering in North Carolina and Virginia, only one of the convicts had been reported captured.
