

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

You have taken our name in vain in your December 5th issue, so perhaps you will let Audience reply.

It is true that Audience by no means considers itself a quarterly dedicated to the Harvard undergrad. But you would be surprised to know how many letters we get from editors across the country envying us for being supported by Harvard and assuming that we are a Harvard publication. Of course, we are not supported in any way by the University, never have been, and never will be, and have no official connection with Harvard at all.

However, your apparent view that Audience is not interested in undergraduate work is wrong. Most of the past and present editors of Audience have Harvard or Radcliffe affiliations. We have published Harvard undergrads in the past and will do so again. But where are all the good manuscripts? Nothing gladdens old people's hearts (some of us are almost forty) like finding a brilliant new writer.... Firman Houghton '41,   Editor.
