
Singers Made $10,000 Gift

An anonymous gift of $10,000 has already covered a tenth of the estimated expenses for the Glee Club's proposed tour of Southeast Asia during the summer of 1961. The sum was recently contributed to the general fund for the trip and is not restricted in any way, according to Elliot Forbes '40, director of the Glee Club.

To obtain the additional $90,000 needed, the singers will rely upon three sources--parents, national foundations, and government agencies.

The Club has already mailed a general letter to the family of each member in order to find out how much money it can collect from parents. Although it has not asked for a final financial commitment the Club wants to know two things: first, if the parents would permit their son to make the trip; and second, how much money they would consider contributing to cover expenses.

As of yesterday, Forbes and the nine-man student committee organizing the preparations for the tour were not sure which foundations or agencies they would contact.
