
'Cliffies Vote Against Suggested Extension Of Library Hours

A majority of Radcliffe students replying to a recent Student Government Association poll on the use of the library overwhelmingly rejected a suggestion to extend the closing hour from 10 to 11 p.m. The questionnaire quoted library officials as stating that reserve books would have to circulate for overnight use at 9 p.m. instead of at 4:30 p.m., if the later closing time were approved.

Of the 626 students who voted, 459 approved the present system. Several girls, however, declined to vote for either alternative, instead criticizing the poll for "confusing the separate issues of closing time and reserve book circulation."

Poll Criticized

Labelling the choices listed on the questionnaire as "absolutely ridiculous," several other 'Cliffies wrote in a third alternative--extending the closing hour till 11 with reserve books to circulate at 4:30. Most of the write-in voters questioned the "financial reasons" which the poll cited as precluding this possibility.

According to Miss Ruth G. Porritt, Librarian of Radcliffe College, the change in reserve book circulation "is something I've wanted to do for ten years." In addition to the financial saving, she cited "a great many complaints from girls who use the library at night that the reserve books they require are gone."


"Although we are very sympathetic to the idea of opening the library till 11, the issue is a dead duck as far as the Administration is concerned," Miss Porritt emphasized.
