
Seniors Ask to Reopen Marshal Nominations

Petitioners Criticize 'Inadequate Publicity'; Elections Committee Demands 500 Names

A group of Seniors, charging that today's Class Marshal election suffers from "inadequate publicity" and "unfortunate timing of the nomination deadline," has started a petition to reopen Marshal nominations.

"We just want to ask the Senior class and find out if they were adequately informed about the deadline," a spokesman for the group said last night. To obtain consideration of the question, however, they must collect 500 signatures by 7:15 tonight, according to a ruling by Albert L. Jacobs, Jr. '61, chairman of the Student Council Elections Committee.

Jacobs, in making his decision, pointed out that "publicity for the elections certainly was adequate." Citing the name of Harold J. ("Hank") Keohane '60, he stated, "It was up to Keohane to know about the nomination deadline." Keohane has been connected with this petition, although it started with a group.

Even if the group collects the signatures of a majority of the Class of 1960, there is no guarantee that nominations will be reopened. The Elections Committee will impound the ballots and reconsider the entire question; but if it should decide publicity was sufficient, the petition would be denied.

The text of Jacob's letter explaining his position is printed on page 2 of the CRIMSON.


Last week members of the group saw Dean Watson and Dean Monro to discuss the possibility of reopening nominations, and apparently gained the impression the election would be delayed.

"We don't intend to attack the Student Council," he continued, "but we do feel they are setting an arbitrary deadline on us.

Jacobs claimed that sufficient publicity had been given to the deadline for nominations the day before the Yale game. The seniors said, however, "We didn't expect the deadline that day, and many of us didn't see the notices."

The Elections Committee will have complete jurisdiction over the problem, Edward L. Croman '60, president of the Student Council, stated last night. Croman has specifically disqualified himself from the dispute, "because I am myself a candidate for Senior Class Marshal."

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