
Rugby Team Tops NYRC

The Crimson rugby team picked up its first win of the season Saturday, as it pushed over four first-half tries to swamp the New York Rugby Club, 18 to 0. This was the first time in two years that the Crimson mustered enough strength to overcome New York.

A surprisingly large crowd of a hundred people braved the torrential wind and rain as they watched the home team put on its best defensive performance in years. Sharp tackling by wing-forwards Dick Williams and Dick Holmes stalled a New York threat in the second half and preserved the team's record of being unscored up on the ground.

As the rain abated slightly for the opening minutes of the first period, Neil Sclater-Booth started a prolonged passing-off drive that carried half the field and ended with wing Ted Frembgen sprinting over for the try. The play, which came after only a minute and a half of action, was unquestionably the finest of the day.

The Crimson remained in complete domination for the rest of half, Mike Miller, John Van Schalwyk, and Holmes accounting for the final Crimson tries. Miller, who played for Dartmouth last spring, made the score 8 to 0 when he grabbed a pass and scampered 20 yards to the goal line. This was the only time during the afternoon when wing forward Jack Butterfield failed to convert. Holmes ended the half as he fell on the ball in the end zone after a quick dribbling rush.

With the rain increasing in the second half, the Crimson passing slowed down, but good defensive work aided by Chris Nauge's kicking to touch' stopped New York's attempt to peck away at the Crimson lead.
