
Jacobs Hits Critics Of Parietal Changes

The chairman of the Student Council committee on parietal rules last night added some fuel to the fire in the growing controversy over his still-to-be-released report.

Albert L. Jacobs, Jr. '61 hit back at Faculty objections to committee proposals by challenging his critics to read the report before commenting on it. "We are banking on the broadmindedness of the Masters," he said, "and we hope they won't reject our recommendations without reading them."

Jacobs emphasized that his group was not interested in "horse-trading" hours, but rather in re-evaluating the entire system of parietal rules. "These rules must conform to the dating habits of the students," he said, "or there is no point in having them."

"We intend to propose a solution that will eliminate the constant reiteration of the problem," he added.
