
Expert Talks On De Gaulle

Duroselle Speaks

After a peaceful reassurance that he "favored the de Gaulle regime," French historian and political scientist Jean-Baptiste Duroselle quickly shifted into a frank and at times critical discussion of the present French government in a brief speech before the Eisenhower club last night.

Duroselle was especially pessimistic on the chances for an immediate end of the Algerian controversy. He pointed out that any settlement would have to be achieved with the collaboration of the Algerian provisional government. But, he said, this group is recommending as its representatives several rebels who are now in jail. Until negotiations can approach a more serious level, Duroselle stated, the continuation of the strife seems likely.

Criticizes "policy of grandeur"

He also criticized certain aspects of what he called "Charles de Gaulle's policy of grandeur," in which the French President is attempting to make his country a world power. He attributed the recent atomic bomb tests in that country to this effort, but pointed out that France had so little money compared to the United States or Russia that even the idea of matching them on a nuclear scale was "absurd."

Although he disliked de Gaulle's pretention, Duroselle praised the strong moves he has made toward improving the French economic situation, and noted that the combined result of his extensive program has been to turn a serious national deficit into a $2 billion surplus.


Duroselle's main fear for the infant Fifth Constitution was, in fact, the death of de Gaulle. The prime minister is so strong under the present governmental system, he said, that if the president was weaker than de Gaulle, there could be a conflict between the two executives.
