
HFC May Expand Scope of Activities

The Harvard Freedom Council may expand activities to include taking a stand on issues such as the loyalty oath of the National Defense Education Act, discussion at Friday's annual election meeting revealed. Originally formed during the Hungarian Revolution to "implement international peace and justice," the HFC has so far concerned itself solely with the Hungarian problem.

Arguing over the NDEA oath, some members proposed a broad attack on both the loyalty oath and the disclaimer affidavit on the grounds of academic freedom, while others believed that the Council should deal with oath and affidavit separately. Several HFC members expressed the opinion that the organization should not concern itself with the NDEA at all.

New officers of the HFC are: President, Charles T. Fenyvesi '60, of Kirkland House and Silver Springs, Md., and secretary, Arnold Gilbert '60, of Lowell House and Washington, D.C.
