
Charities Drive to Begin Monday With Bundy Addressing Banquet

Goal Expected to Reach $13,000

A kickoff dinner Monday night will open the 1959-60 Combined Charities campaign. Dean Bundy will deliver the principal address at the dinner meeting of approximately 175 entry solicitors, dorm captains, and House Masters, Richard Crystal '62 and Howard J. Phillips '62, co-chairmen of the drive, announced yesterday.

Suggested by the chairmen of last year's compaign, the dinner is designed to get the drive off to an enthusiastic start. Solicitation in the entries and in Yard will begin immediately after the dinner and extend through the week.

According to Crystal, a definite goal for the campaign has not yet been set, but the final figure is expected to exceed the $13,000 collected last year, when the goal was $12,000.

A budget of approximately $700 has been allotted for campaign expenditures during the one-week drive. This figure should include publicity, printing costs for brochures, and the expense of the initial dinner.

The six "suggested charities" this year are Phillips Brooks House, the Boston United Fund, Crusade for Freedom, World University Service, Damon Runyon Cancer Fund, and the National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students.


An advisory board has been set up for the first time to help guide the drive and select the individual charities. In previous years, campaign chairmen were under supervision only by the Student Council, but now a board with representatives from several College organizations, including the CRIMSON, WHRB, and the Freshman Council, will help co-ordinate the campaign.
