
Dodger Victory Is Only Another' First' for Coast

Sherry Hero With Two Wins

They do things big on The Coast--and fast. Chicago fans suffered patiently for 40 years waiting for their Sox to make the Series. They endured the dog days of August when Luke Appling, Zeke Bonura & Co. played the St. Louis Browns for weeks on end. They measured victory by defeat--a 6-5 loss to the Senators was a good day.

Then those upstarts Out West decided that movie stars and smog weren't enough--they needed a baseball team also, two in fact. So the Giants finished third and the Dodgers seventh. 1959 prospects looked rosy. Then the ex-Polo Grounders pulled their 1951 rally in reverse, and nails were chewed all along the Big Sur--until Larry Sherry.

Dodgers Clobbered

The Los Angeles club couldn't bear the thought of being ahead--no good come-from-behind does that--so they got clobbered in the first game by an 11-0 count. The amazing Ted Kluszewski hit two homers. The Chicagoans looked like they would repeat the performance next day, but young Buck Shaw threw three bad pitches. Two were hits out of the park by 155-pound Charlie Neal, the other by Chuck Essegian--the first of his two pinch homers that set a Series record.

So the Bums came back Sunday to their converted football stadium (converted from Saturday's Ohio State-UCLA game) with a split. The teams seemed to have their roles reversed. The Sox, who finished seventh in the American League in batting, outslugged the power-packed Los Angeles lineup, 22 hits to 14, though they lost the next two games.


The Sox salvaged a win in the fifth game, on Shaw's 9-hit shutout that involved some brilliant masterminding in the eighth, when Lopez and Alston battled for 20 minutes changing pitchers and pinch-hitters.

But all the White Sox stout pitching and tight defense went for naught yesterday. The Dodgers threw away the script (or shouldn't that be mentioned with Chicago in the Series?) and bombed Early Wynn, Dick Donovan and Turk Lown for six runs in the second inning, which offset Kluszewski's third homer, in the bottom of the frame.

The winner, appropriately enough, was Sherry, who won two of the Dodgers' games and saved the other two. The relief star made the difference in a World Series in which neither team had a complete game from its pitching staff.

Los Angeles thus became the first club ever to come from seventh place to a World's Championship. Anything can happen on the Coast. The Giants may even win it next year.
