
Junior Varsity Eleven Wins First Game, 34-6

The junior varsity football team started off its season yesterday with an easy but convincing victory over the Newport Naval Station by a score of 34 to 6.

In spite of muddy playing conditions at Soldiers Field, several varsity reserve backs showed some shifty and powerful running--in front of the varsity coaching staff, which is still receptive to more sophomore prospects.

Quarterback Ted Halaby led the team to an early 6-0 lead, as he scored in the first quarter on a 31-yard play. From there, the Naval Station eleven managed to contain the Crimson's hard-running quartet in the backfield for the rest of the half. The J.V.'s went on to further scoring in the second half and held the visitors scoreless until Harvard had gained its total of 34.

Halaby, a sophomore back, also scored the team's last touchdown, on a line plunge from the one. Between his two scores, Halaby called signals effectively and made the most of running by John Damis and Bob Hunter.

Injured since pre-season practice, Damis was impressive before the coaches yesterday, although he never entered the scoring columns. Halaby's substitute, Tom Boone, also impressed observers. His 46-yard pass to end Dave Ruschhaupt in the third quaterr was good for six points that put the junior varsity ahead for keeps.


Visitors Score Once

One of the standouts of the game--but in a losing cause--was the Navy's Dick Jones, a small and evasive back. Midway in the final period Jones was in punt formation, faked a kick, and shot off down the field, dodging would-be tacklers, to score a 60-yard tally.

By then, however, it was too late; the J.V. team was home safe with a 34-6 win, thanks to its 20 points in the last quarter. The Naval Station eleven was hampered throughout the game by numerous fumbles caused either by the wet conditions or hard-hitting Crimson linemen--or both.
