
WHRB Hopes to Open Fall Term Competition For Radcliffe Students

WHRB will open its competition to 'Cliffies for the first time this fall, if a petition to allow girls to compete is approved by the Radcliffe Administration, John H. Shenefield '60, president of the radio station, announced last night.

A review board, composed of two Radcliffe deans and Janet Webster '60, president of the Student Government Association, will meet Monday to discuss the petition. The SGA has already voted to grant WHRB's request, and Miss Webster said last night that the vote probably will be endorsed.

If the review board's decision is in the affirmative, WHRB will hold a special open house for Radcliffe candidates Wednesday evening. According to Shenefield, several girls have already expressed interest in entering the competition for positions on all boards of the station.

'Cliffe Radio to Continue

"Whether or not WHRB opens its competition to women, Radio Radcliffe will continue operating as a separate station," Susan E. Zimet '60, president of the Radcliffe station, said last night. She emphasized that WHRB probably would not attract girls who would otherwise have worked for Radio Radcliffe.


"For the moment, Radio Radcliffe is more closely associated with the M.I.T. station than with Harvard," a 'Cliffie on the technical crew noted. She explained that two members of the Tech station have been helping with the re-wiring of Radio Radcliffe.
