

The Crime

Dear Mr.----

It gives me great pleasure to tell you that your application to Quincy House has been enthusiatically accepted. The success of this enterprise next year--and no doubt the next ten years--will depend upon the creative impact of this group of gifted upperclassmen who have ventured in the dark to throw light on a possibility. I welcome you as a member of a distinguished company .... Sincerely yours,   John M. Bullitt   Master   Quincy House

Dear Mr.----

I am distressed to have to tell you that there have been so many application to Quincy House yours must be, at least for the moment, put aside. As you may know, the Masters agreed that each House would contribute approxmiately the same number of applicants who would colonize Quincy House. Consequently, I have been forced--since I have only eighty vacancies--to accept in each of the seven Houses only a small proportion of the men I would like to have associated with me in this enterprise. I shall, however, keep your name of the waiting list, and if new vacancies occur I shall be in touch with you.

May I add that I have been delighted to find so many men like yourself who, in a period known to many critics as the Age of Conformity, have been eager to experiment with a new idea. I am grateful to you for this expression of independence and genuine interest.   Sincerely yours,   John M Bullitt   Master   Quincy House
