
Exams Influence Students' Taste In Pills, Movies

The shock of examination period is felt even beyond the University, the CRIMSON ascertained yesterday. Business in the Square has adapted to the seasonal uneasiness of its patrons with all the sureness that comes of old acquaintance.

Prescriptions for stomach disorders, especially Kaopectate, have been received at a much faster rate, the College House Pharmacy revealed. A significant rise in the sale of No-Doz pills was also noted, although the spokesman said sales are usually rather heavy anyway.

"We try to book a different sort of motion picture during exam period," the press agent for the Brattle Theater disclosed. "We think students prefer escapism at this time." Last week the theatre presented a foreign gangster movie, Razzia.

A spokesman in the Health Center reported that the number of students seeking treatment for illness has actually decreased during exam period.
