
Hoehler Resigns Post As Dean of Freshmen

Harry Hoehler, Assistant Dean of Freshmen, will resign his position on June 31 to enter the ministry.

Frank H. White '55, now serving in the Armed Services, will probably take over Hoehler's post in September. White was originally named Assistant Dean in 1956, but was drafted by the Army.

Room assignments will be handled this summer by Roger Ravel 3L, Secretary of the Union. Hoehler indicated that he will work with Ravel during the summer before taking over his parish.

"The work in the Freshman Dean's Office made me decide to enter the active ministry," Hoehler said yesterday: He cited his counseling experience as "good preparation" for his new profession.

Hoehler worked in the Financial Aid Office before taking his current job "on a temporary basis" in 1956.
