
University Makes Plans To Drop Three Sports

Lacrosse, fencing, and golf will probably lose their minor sports status, and hence their H.A.A. financial support, effective next year, a reliable source revealed to the CRIMSON last night.

Another source, who preferred not to be quoted, said that financial reasons were the factors behind this demotion. The H.A.A. had requested nearly $1 million from the Corporation for its 1958-59 operations, citing increased expenses for the rise of nearly $400,000. Instead, the economy - minded Corporation granted only $500,000, thus necessitating economy measures.

When contacted at his home last night, Thomas D. Bolles, Director of Athletics, would not give any particulars but pointed out that the matter had been under consideration by the Faculty Committee on Undergraduate Athletics "for some time."

Bolles stated that the Committee would be holding its monthly meeting quite soon and might act at that time to put these measures into effect. Sources indicated, however, that the move was virtually final.

When contacted by the CRIMSON yesterday, J. Bruce Munro, coach of lacrosse, said, "I don't feel that I can comment on this matter."


This move will probably force the teams to adopt club status in order to remain in intercollegiate competition. If they do this, the H.A.A. will assume none of their expenses, which would then have to be met by the teams' respective alumni organizations.

Of the three sports, the fencers are in the best financial position, having received a gift in excess of $40,000 from a former Crimson fencer. Presumably, they will use the income from this gift to defray expenses.

As a result of this move, members of these three sports will no longer be eligible for minor "H" awards as they are at present.

Resentment against the H.A.A. for having made this move appears to be running high among the members of these teams, which feel themselves "discriminated against."
