
Student Says Police 'Brutal' to Drinkers

Herbert Krosney '59, one of two Harvard students arrested in a raid on an allegedly illegal bar operating after hours last Saturday, charged that the police "brutally" treated him and others held through the night.

Krosney, who is concerned now just as a witness, maintains that only a private party was taking place when the police arrived with the paddy wagons. A Radcliffe girl also arrested had been taken there by her date.

At the Ninth Roxbury Precinct those arrested were not allowed to use telephones. When the host's wife tried to call the baby sitter, police grabbed her and then her husband who rushed to help, Krosney said. A brawl ensued, according to Krosney, in which the police clubbed the party goers rather liberally, and hit some of them when no resistance was being offered.
