
Quincy House Work Halted Due to Strike

Construction of Quincy House halted this morning as the George A. Fuller Co. refused to comply with union demands for a wage increase. Although all work is temporarily stopped on the House, the Company claims that the strike should not prevent completion by the scheduled date.

The Secretary of the Carpenter's District Council of Boston stated that the present demands were settled upon three months ago, and that 24 companies in the Boston area have already signed the new memorandum on wages. At least 100 other companies have not signed the agreement.

Expect Short Work Stoppage

Neither the Fuller Company nor the union expects a lengthy work stoppage. This partially results from the interest of the federal government in keeping down the unemployment figures in view of the present "recession."

The carpenters are asking for $3.50 per hour, a 25 cent hourly increase over their present wages. With the new rates, they expect to draw $150 weekly, plus an additional four dollars each week for health and welfare benefits.


The Carpenter's Union does not regard the present work stoppage as a strike, since they claim most of the independent contractors have in effect agreed to the new rates since early March. The Secretary of the Union charged that the "refusal of the Fuller Company to comply with the new wage rates is tantamount to a lockout."

The Secretary commented that the company could not expect the carpenters to work for less than the going wage rate. He claimed Fuller and several other large construction companies are attempting to take advantage of "general conditions in the economy."
