
Student Cyclists In Hospital After Accidents in Rain

Rain and pre-holiday traffic on Wednesday resulted in three accidents which hospitalized a Harvard motorcyclist and two Radcliffe bicyclists.

Hamilton Richards Jr. '60 suffered a fractured thigh shortly after 6 p.m. when he fell from his motorcycle at the corner of Memorial Drive and DeWolfe Street. Richards, who was heading west on Mem Drive, apparently skidded when he applied his brakes to prevent colliding with a car pulling out from DeWolfe Street.

A Dunster House resident who arrived at the scene shortly after the accident commented that "it took approximately 25 minutes for an ambulance to come," but added that a doctor was there earlier. Peter Bent Brigham Hospital yesterday listed Richards' condition as "comfortable."

Skidding Bicycles

Earlier in the afternoon Judith Rawle '60 fell from her bicycle on Garden Street when she tried to avoid a car making a left turn into Walker Street. The driver was another Radcliffe student, Linda B. Miller '59.


Miss Miller said she had waited for a stream of cars, but did not see the bicycle when she started the left turn. When she noticed it, she stopped the car in time to prevent a collision, but not before Miss Rawle had skidded in an attempt to stop.

Another Annex cyclist suffered a head cut and possibly a mild concussion just after 1 p.m. when her bicycle skidded on Massachusetts Avenue near Waterhouse Street. Lola M. Lloyd '62, who was knocked unconscious for a few minutes, said afterwards, "I don't know whether I slipped on a trolley track or was hit by a car; but I think my wheel just got caught in a wet track."

Miss Lloyd was taken to Cambridge City Hospital, where she received two stitches in her left forehead, and then was transferred to Peter Bent Brigham.
