
'62 Debate Team Beats Wellesley

The Freshman Debate Team last night convinced a Wellesley audience of 60 girls that "women do not prefer death to dishonor." Walker J. Blakey '62 and Terry W. Schwab '62 spoke for the Yardlings.

Taking the affirmative, two Wellesley girls tried to define death as including "mental anguish," and dishonor as "only what a woman does against her will." But the Yardlings objected.

One Wellesley debater, dressed in black, claimed to be "in mourning" for a close friend who had committed suicide rather than risk dishonor. Another claimed she had once refused a date with an M.I.T. boy. But the freshmen replied with a quote from Emerson: "The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons."
