
Harvard Freshmen Win Forensic Tournament While Annex Squad Fails to Place in Contest

The Freshman Debate Council defeated representatives from nine other schools Saturday to win the first of a series of debates in the Greater Boston Forensic League Tournament.

Winning five out of six rounds on the topic "Resolved: That the further development of nuclear weapons should be prohibited by international agreement," the freshmen pulled top speakers' ratings at the M.I.T. tournament.

"This was the first time any of the speakers participated in college debate," noted Alan K. Hendrickson '62, president of the FDC. Freshmen from Williams and Bates Colleges also won five of six debates to take second and third places respectively, according to their individual speakers' ratings.

Radcliffe, the only women's college to enter the tournament, won only two rounds and failed to place.

The negative viewpoint was taken by Walter J. Blakey '62, and Alfred J. Dougherty Jr. '62, who won all three of their debates. On the affirmative side, James S. Johns '62 and Stephen M. Kaufman '62 took two out of three rounds.


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