
Soc. Rel. to Continue Non-Honors Tutorial

All Sophomores, Juniors Given Instruction

The Department of Social Relations will continue to provide compulsory tutorial for all Juniors this year, chairman Robert W. White announced yesterday.

As a result of this decision, everyone concentrating in the field will be involved either in tutorial sessions or in a similar substitute. Sophomores will participate in House tutorial groups, while Honors Seniors have been assigned individual theses directors. Non-Honors Seniors as well as Honors candidates will be required to take Social Relations 90, a seminar course taught in a number of small discussion groups.

White said that the present tutorial policy reflects a departmental plan to institute gradually the February, 1958 proposals of the Committee on Educational Policy.

The CEP recommended that departments step-up Honors tutorial with grades, examinations, and themes. This year the Social Relations staff plans to institute a Sophomore examination, along with an enlarged first-year tutorial reading program.

This will probably be the last year that non-Honors Juniors will be obliged to take tutorial, White stated. "But," he added, "We are still uncertain about next year. More definite plans should be formulated later this semester."


No formal grades will be issued under the present system, except to Seniors and Juniors participating in Social Relations 99, Tutorial for Credit. All other Honors candidates will receive either "honors," "pass," or "fail," accompanied by a report from their tutor.

The Department plans to meet its present heavy tutorial schedule by utilizing members from every section of its staff.
