
Hockey Team to Face Princeton In Away Ivy Opener Tomorrow

Tigers Have Improved

Every Day, in Every Way, It Gets Better and Better, does the Princeton hockey team. It's gotten so much better that it trounced B. C., 8 to 2, in its last outing.

Fresh from the 16 to 1 debacle with Tufts Wednesday, the varsity sextet will open its Pentagonal competition with this self-same Tiger six at Princeton tomorrow evening.

Evidently, Tiger coach Dick Vaughan has spent the early part of the season rebuilding his team. which won only one of its eight Ivy games last season. He began with a strong nucleus in captain Henry Rulon-Miller, an All-Ivy choice in both his sophomore and junior years, wing John Hall, the team's leading scorer, and defenseman Doug Levick.

During the early-season trial period, his team lost to R.P.I., Army, Providence, and B.U., but beat Cornell, Northeastern, and, of course, won the big one over B.C.

He has settled on a first line of Hill, Rulon-Miller, and John McBride, and from the Eagle game results, this may be the combination he has been seeking.


It is highly problematical, however, whether this trio can match Cooney Weiland's Terry O'Malley, Bob Cleary, and Lyle Guttu, who accounted for nine goals and eleven assists against the hapless Jumbos.

Owen Defense Standout

Bob Owen, of course, is one of the standouts in the East on defense, and if his partner, Bob McVey, becomes acclimated to his new position, this should become one of the best defenses in the country.

It is difficult to tell from the Tufts game whether or not goalie Tab Cleary has made a marked improvement, for of his fourteen saves, the vast majority were routine. In its crease, Princeton has alternated Sid Guberman and Bo Torrey, both of whom are of the journeyman variety.

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