
Newspaper Hints Faubus Will Summon Legislature

(This is the fourth in a series of articles from Little Rock by the CRIMSON'S Managing Editor, George H. Watson, Jr. '58.)

LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Sept. 29--What direction the Arkansas integration crisis would take after five days of Army-enforced calm was the subject of speculation here today. Little Rock was quiet, and tired newsmen took advantage of the morning to sleep, while others attended local churches in hope of finding interesting reactions from the pulpits.

The only new development came in the form of a story in the Arkansas Democrat, a moderate paper veering toward a segregationist position. In a copyrighted story, the Democrat said that Governor Faubus would call a special session of the Arkansas legislature "in a matter of hours" to deal with the use of federal troops in Little Rock.

The Democrat is considered by many to have a pipe-line to the governor and high members of his administration.

The story went on to say that the call might come either late today or early tomorrow, and that the legislature is expected to convene by the middle of the week.

Mothers Visit Faubus


Yesterday, Faubus was visited by a group of 135 mothers who asked him to call such a session, but at that time he said that although a majority of the legislature had indicated they favored the session, he had no plans to issue the call.

Faubus did speculate, however, on what the legislature could do to deal with the presence of federal troops and the integration of Central High School. Among the possibilities mentioned were abolition of the public school system and withholding of state funds from integrated schools.

Most observers feel that although the legislature has the theoretical right to enact these proposals, both would be held unconstitutional because they would violate the intent of the integration decision here.

Later yesterday, Faubus said he would favor the closing of Central High School "if it resulted in the return of the school to lawful state authorities."

Governor Absent From Little Rock

The governor was absent from Little Rock today, having attended a football game yesterday in Fayetteville, Ark. There was no indication when he might return, but there is hope that he will issue a direct statement on the possibility of a special session when he returns.

It is improbable that the legislature, if called, would take drastic action, such as abolishing the public school system. State Senator C. E. Yingling probably summed up the majority opinion when he said, "This would be the worst possible time to call a special session," and added that "this is the time to sit down, cool off, and act like human beings."

But Faubus is at high tide here. And his ability to whip the legislators into line on his policies is well known. He is considered an astute vote-getter and few bills bearing his approval have failed in the legislature.

What Arkansans want most, however, is not drastic action against integration, but the removal of federal troops. Citizens are divided on the question of integration, but very few approve the presence of the 101st Airborne Division.

Appeal to Ike
