
Repetto to Start as Baseball Team Faces Yale Tomorrow

Injuries May Prevent Stahura, Cleary From Opening in Contest

The Crimson baseball team has always been a better team than it has shown itself to be in any of the games it has played. It has repeatedly outhit its opponents and its excellent infield has whipped up a dozen double plays in its last 41 innings.

Yet the varsity has been addicted to making the kind of errors that cost runs and what it has gained by its own excellence it has frequently lost by its generosity with unearned runs. The varsity came within a run of beating EIBL runner-up Dartmouth, then came within a run of losing to second-rate Penn.

If the right hand is ever going to get together with the left, tomorrow would be a good time. The Crimson meets Yale, already Eastern Intercollegiate Baseball League Champions, on Soldiers Field at 3 p.m.

Dom Repetto will be on the mound for the varsity, with Bob McGinnis ready in reserve. Repetto has shown considerable strength, not only at staying out of trouble, but at extricating himself from tight spots.

Facing the varsity will probably be Eli Ray Carlsen, who has been decidedly instrumental in running the Elis roughshod through the EIBL. Carlsen, together with Yale's excellent catcher, Colin Gracey, will be real trouble for the varsity, and Gracey is likely to thwart the old stand-by strategy of "bunting your way through a ball game."


Harmed by Injuries

The Crimson's own defense seems certain to be hurt by a list of injuries which looms lengthy at this point. Walt Stahura is not expected to start in center-field, though the final decision has been put off. And second baseman Bob Cleary was treated for bronchitis this past week. Cleary played against Penn on Wednesday, however, and will probably start on Saturday.

Dick Fisher, who was late for the Penn game because of generals, is scheduled to start for Stahura, with Matt Botsford likely to shift from right field into center. John Getch will be in left field.
