
Lacrosse Varsity To Face Strong UNH Ten Today

The life of the varsity lacrosse team's current two game winning streak will be put in severe jeopardy this afternoon when the squad travels to Durham to face a strong University of New Hampshire team.

The New Hampshire squad, dominated by football players, has always been a fast and rough outfit. It enjoyed a very successful Southern trip and has tied the Boston Lacrosse Club, which over-powered the Crimson two weeks ago by a score of 8 to 3.

Though Dick Pille will be missing from the starting attack due to an injury, the varsity team should be able to offer strong opposition to New Hampshire if it can show the same offensive strength that it did in Saturday's 7 to 3 victory over Penn.

The Crimson attack showed marked improvement in that game over some of its efforts earlier this season. Both passing and checking were very sharp, and the speed and coordination of the offense were notably better than before. The U.N.H. team, which boasts a veteran midfield line, should have a distinct weight advantage over the varsity, however.

Jerry Cotter, Mike Shaw, and Dub Mallonee will start on attack for the Crimson. Captain Mac Hyde, Jim Gale, and Tim Draper will open at midfield, and Jim Herscot, John Baldwin, and John Crump will be at defense. Dick MacKinnon will play in the goal.


The freshman team faces Nichols Jr. College at Dudley, Mass., this afternoon. Its record to date stands at two wins and three defeats, after a 7 to 6 loss to Tabor Academy last Saturday.

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