
Golf Squad Scores Win at Holy Cross

Eighteenth hole victories by Jim Bailey and Bob Hoffsis edged the Crimson golf squad past Holy Cross, 4 to 3, yesterday at Worcester.

Tom Wheeling, the varsity's number one player, and Perry Driggs also won their rounds.

Dave Beadie, playing on the Crimson squad for the first time, went through 21 holes with his Holy Cross opponent, but finally lost his round. Frank Dodge and Warren Iliff also were defeated.

Tom Cunningham, the Rhode Island junior champion, and Harvey Hoyt led the unsuccessful Holy Cross team.

The varsity, smarting from defeats by Princeton and Penn last weekend, boosted its record to three wins and four losses. The squad will face Brown Thursday at Providence, in an attempt to even its season's record for the Yale match, a week from today.


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